Your Ways of Being

A Step-by-Step Way of Making Meaningful Change in Your Life


Have you ever tried to bring about a change in your world and found that somehow you couldn’t seem to accomplish it? Have you ever wondered why that is?

Welcome to the “Discover your ways of being” video with ICC Co-Founder Laura Divine. We hope you gain some personalized insight into your responses to these questions, while also having a direct experience with aspects of the Integral Coaching® Method.
Laura produced this video before she died with the intent of supporting you in making a meaningful change in your life. Below you will find Laura’s message for you as she shares more about this video and what you will walk away with:

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Somehow, you are here. Right now. With me. Welcome.
Bringing forward a topic of change that is real and relevant in your life at this very moment, personally or professionally, will ensure that your experience of this video will be deeply personal and will directly contribute to something that is important to you right now.
In other words, you will gain answers to the above questions through an intimate, personal, and informative experience that is yours alone! Oh, and as a bonus in this video, you will be getting a taste of one component of our Integral Coaching® method.
Somehow, you are here. Right now. With me. Welcome.
Bringing forward a topic of change that is real and relevant in your life at this very moment, personally or professionally, will ensure that your experience of this video will be deeply personal and will directly contribute to something that is important to you right now.
In other words, you will gain answers to the above questions through an intimate, personal, and informative experience that is yours alone! Oh, and as a bonus in this video, you will be getting a taste of one component of our Integral Coaching® method.

What will you experience in this video? What will you walk away with?

Throughout the video you will be invited to pause and take the time you need to reflect on the steps that I walk you through so that you get the most out of the time we will spend together. By the end of the video, you will have greater compassion and appreciation for your ‘way of being’ up to now and all of the attempts you have made to bring about a desired change.
Additionally, you will:
• Learn how your ‘current way of being’ influences how you have been approaching this desired change up to now. No wonder things keep going the way they do!
• Gain access to a ‘new way of being’ in approaching the change you are longing for that fundamentally opens up a wider range of new perspectives and new moves you can apply going forward

Why am I offering this video?

A deep drive for me - from a very young age – has always been to find ways to enable people to fulfill their deepest longings and manifest their potential. It is from this calling that our coaching method was built, our coaching school was built, and this video was developed…just for you. This recorded conversation comes from that same place: Me simply trying to find a way to contribute to a new or experienced coach or client, or someone who is curious about our coaching school or is deeply interested in exploring change in your own life.
A worthwhile investment of your time? I sincerely hope so. I truly think so. While fully engaging with this video will involve time and reflection, I strongly believe understanding and engaging with your ‘current way of being’ and developing a ‘new way of being’ is a deep, lasting way of making change and manifesting your potential. Your time and engagement with this video can help you finally make the change you’ve been struggling to accomplish.
My deepest intention is that this video serves you well. Thank you for your finding your way to this page. Enjoy!
May you be well,