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    We have two levels of coach training offered through Integral Coaching Canada Inc.

    Integral Coaching® Fundamentals

    This course is a three-day introduction for people interested in learning the fundamentals of Integral Coaching®, what it is, how it works, and how it can be applied at a fundamental level at work and in other domains of life. Also explored are the differences between the coaching discipline and other disciplines (managing, mentoring, teaching, etc.) and when each discipline is most useful for a given situation.

    Through a combination of introducing the basic theory and principles that form the foundation for this coaching approach along with practical hands-on exercises, participants gain a solid understanding of the core Integral Coaching® method and can apply what they learn back in their day to day world. This course is useful to beginners just starting to explore coaching, but it is also incredibly powerful for professional coaches looking to sharpen their coaching competencies in settings that require erudite speech and connection.

    Integral Coaching® Certification Program

    The Integral Coaching® Certification Program (ICCP) is ICC’s flagship, world-renowned coaching training program. It consists of three modules of comprehensive live and distance learning that leads to the attainment of knowledge and embodiment warranting formal accreditation as a certified Integral Coach™.

    • ICCP-1 Associate Certification Module
    • ICCP-2 Professional Certification Module
    • ICCP-3 Master Certification Module

    ICCP-1 Associate Certification Module – This module is 5 months in duration and leaves people very effectively practicing as Integral Associate Coaches™. People can choose to either enter the Associate Certification Module directly or take the Integral Coaching® Fundamentals prior to this Module.

    ICCP-2 Professional Certification Module – The second module is a rigorous 6-month program for people interested in reaching a depth of knowledge and level of skill that qualifies them to be certified at the professional level. It requires that people have successfully completed the Associate Certification Module before diving more fully into understanding the complexities of Integral Coaching®, how human beings develop and change, how to work with clients across a vast array of coaching topics, Integral Practice, and Integral Theory. Successful graduates receive the designation Integral Professional Coach™.

    ICCP-3 Master Certification Module – The final module is an intense 7-month program that provides access to the subtle and deep roots of our Integral Coaching® method. It deepens and advances every aspect of a coach's development and client work and successful completion results in certification as an Integral Master Coach™ and lineage membership in our global Integral Coaching®​​​​​​​  Consortium.


    While there is no prerequisite for the ICCP-1 Associate Certification Module, some people choose to start their training by taking the three day Fundamentals course based upon their own needs and process of learning Integral Coaching®.


    Integral Coaching® Fundamentals

    None Required

    Integral Coaching® Certification Program


      • ICCP-1 Associate Certification Module

    None Required

      • ICCP-2 Professional Certification Module

    Successful Completion of ICCP-1

      • ICCP-3 Master Certification Module

    Successful Completion of ICCP-2

    • You learn the foundational theories, principles, and relational elements that are the basis for the Integral Coaching® approach to human development and change.

    • You learn through direct experience and practice what it means and how to integrate rigorous structure and intuition into a powerful form of service.

    • You experience the method being modeled by one of the Instructors. You also practice coaching, observing, and being a client with your colleagues in support of you becoming very familiar with the process from three client perspectives.

    • You are provided with a detailed and complete Coaching Handbook that outlines a step by step articulation of the Integral Coaching® method in a highly usable and coach-friendly format.

    • You learn two key Integral models (Quadrant Lens and Lines of Development Lens) and learn how to apply them by working with real clients.

    • You work with two actual clients over the 5-month distance learning period to further apply what you learned in the 5-day Group Session Intensive in a true Apprenticing fashion.  During this time you will have a combination of group video calls with the Module Instructor as well as one-on-one calls with an ICC Integral Master Coach™ who will assess, review, and advance your work.

    • This is all in support of you gaining "Just-in-Time" learning of facets this very comprehensive coaching approach as you are dynamically coaching your clients. In essence, you are not left alone to figure it out with no support.

    • Throughout this Module you are developing your skill levels in the core coaching competencies needed to carry out this coaching method both in class and throughout the Distance Learning and Apprenticing period.

    • Over the five months, as you are learning about this coaching method, you will also be learning about your own unique 'way of being' as you go through this intense learning process as well as how you show up as a coach. 

    • Upon successful completion of the Module, with clear demonstration of the ICC Method and ICF coaching skills at an Associate level, you will receive accreditation as an ICC Integral Associate Coach™. 

    • As a certified Integral Associate Coach™, you are able to move forward practicing what you have learned and gained in the Associate Certification Module. 

    • Upon successful completion, you are qualified to continue on to ICCP-2.

    • You will have completed 60 hours of ICF accredited coach learning hours, meeting ICF's Associate Level Coach Training Hours requirement. You will also have completed 5.75 of the ICF's 10-hr Mentor Coach Hrs requirement.

    • Please see the ICCP Outline for more details.

    • First of all, given that ICCP-1 is a prerequisite for this second module, you will join a group of certified Integral Associate Coaches™ in the initial 5-day group session intensive that kicks off this advanced learning module. This means that everyone arrives having a solid and shared common base, including five months of learning and practice. It is a very strong opening session given the shared experience in the room.

    • As part of the group session intensive, you will practice conducting coaching conversations and receive direct and constructive feedback from the Instructor that is modeling the method and coaching skills and then you will immediately apply what you have learned.  In this same setting, you also are able to be in the role of client and receive the modeling of coaching demonstrated from the Instructor, as well as to be in the role of observer and learn what skillful coaching at the Professional level looks like.

    • You learn three additional Integral lenses that will expand the number of dimensions through which you are able to see, understand, and appreciate your client, in addition to advancing your use of the first two Integral lenses from ICCP-1. With this, you will also further your abilities to both "Look At" and "Look As" your client. "Looking At" the client in a way that helps you discern the key, underlying capabilities that this client needs to develop to be able to grow into and skillfully function in alignment with a new way of being and relating to their coaching topic. "Looking As" the client and being able to see the world through your client's eyes and develop a way of working with the client that truly meets the client in their world, rather than projecting your own biases onto the client. 

    • You will advance your capacities to deeply be present to your client, to yourself, and to what is arising in the moment...in a way that is also grounded in and guided by the structure of this method.

    • You will be provided with the standards and criteria used to assess your performance in demonstrating the Integral Coaching® method and coaching skills at the Professional level and will receive feedback throughout all stages of the six months of training for live and recorded coaching conversations, as well as written assignments that demonstrate your assessment and design capabilities so that you clearly know how you are doing, where you are strong, and where you need to focus on improving.

    • You will participate in a small learning team throughout the six months that includes having calls with an ICC Phone Coach where each team member receives direct performance feedback and development support from the Phone Coach with the other members learning through observing, as well as having calls amongst the learning team members to advance what is learned during the time with the Phone Coach.

    • You will work with two new clients over the 6-month distance learning period to further apply what you learned in the 5-day Group Session Intensive. Through client work, related assignments, personal practices, feedback on recorded coaching conversations, work with your colleagues as well as group video calls with the Instructor and calls with one of our Integral Master Coaches™, you will be able to integrate the many facets of this coaching method for coaching conversations as well as for program and practice design. As a result, your coaching will become more fluid, more powerful, more consistent and more familiar. 

    • Upon successful completion of the Module, successfully demonstrating the ICC Method and ICF coaching skills at a Professional level, you will receive accreditation as an Integral Professional Coach™. 

    • As a certified Integral Professional Coach™, you leave the program able to move forward practicing what you have learned and gained in ICCP-1 and ICCP-2. 

    • Upon successful completion, you are qualified to continue on to the final ICCP-3 Module.

    • You have completed 65 hours of ICF accredited coach learning hours.

    • Combined with your previous module, you now have 125 ICF accredited coach learning hours, meeting ICF's Professional Level Coach Training Hours requirement. You have also attained 11.75 mentor coaching hours thereby surpassing the ICF’s 10-hr coach mentor hours requirement.

    • Please see the ICCP Outline for more details.

    • You, and every other member of the class will join this Module having successfully completed ICCP-1 as well as ICCP-2, and all of you will immediately and intimately delve into the nature of being human through Integral perspectives, explore how difficult it is to bring about and sustain change, develop a deep understanding of Integral approaches to development, and advance your grasp and embodiment of this method of coaching.

    • You will observe demos of coaching conversations performed at a Master level in a way that also advances your embodiment of being able to "Look At" and "Look As" your clients, as well as to see where you need to focus your skill development to attain this level of coaching accreditation.

    • As part of the initial Group Session Intensive, you will practice conducting coaching conversations and receive direct and constructive feedback from the Instructor, who is modeling the method and coaching skills at a Master level and then you will have the opportunity to immediately apply what you have learned.  In this same setting, you also are able to be in the role of client and receive the modeling of coaching demonstrated from the Instructor, as well as to be in the role of observer and learn what skillful coaching at the Master level looks like.

    • You will cultivate and deepen your ability to embody the five Integral lenses such that the dimensions of what each lens brings and the client’s unique manifestations of them arise in your body and awareness rather than being just a cognitive experience.

    • You will engage in your “MCM Project” where you will start advancing how you will take Integral Coaching® work out into the world in a way that deeply matters to you.

    • You will be provided with the standards and criteria used to assess your performance in demonstrating the Integral Coaching® method and coaching skills at the ICF Master level. There will be numerous occasions and ways in which you will receive feedback and advice on how to advance your skills throughout this module, with the expectation that you receive, integrate, and apply what you gain in each cycle of feedback so that you are able to truly embody the depths and subtleties of this method.

    • You will progressively embody the ability to stay rooted in a client’s AQAL Constellation, the structure and the principles of this coaching method, while also being present to and informed by what is arising with you and your client in conversations as well as in practice design work.

    • In coaching conversations as well as in practice designs, you will be able to access the subtleties of how you work with illuminating aspects of a client’s "Current Way of Being" in their topic as well as the "New Way of Being" that they are aspiring to grow into.

    • You will participate in a small study group that is supported by a qualified Mentor, which will be a pivotal place for support, active practice and learning, as well as challenge and inspiration.

    • You will work with two new clients over the 7-month distance learning period to further apply what you learned in the initial 5-day Group Session Intensive. Through the client work, associated assignments, personal practices, written feedback on recorded coaching conversations, work with your colleagues as well as group video calls with ICC Faculty, you will be able to access the deeper roots of this method and apply these rich subtleties to all facets of the method in such a way that your coaching becomes potent, highly customized, laser like with massive ripple effects, artistic, concrete and magical. 

    • Your final certification process, which will include both live coaching as well as the submission of coaching cases, will be the most profound learning and development day you have probably ever experienced.

    • Having embodied the application of this coaching method at the scale of working with clients on specific topics and engaging in formal Coaching Programs, you then learn how the ICC's Integral Coaching® method can be applied at many scales and in many situations.

    • Upon successful completion of the ICCP-3, through demonstration of the ICC Method and ICF coaching competencies at a Master level, you will receive accreditation as an ICC Integral Master Coach™. 

    • Once you truly embody this method and way of being as an Integral Master Coach™, you are then able to uniquely make it your own in a deeply informed, meaningful, and embodied way.

    • As a certified Integral Master Coach™, you will join Integral Coaching Canada's global community of Master Coaches.

    • You will have completed 77+ hours of ICF accredited coach learning hours in ICCP-3.

    • Combined with your previous two modules, you will now have 200+ ICF accredited coach learning hours, meeting ICF's Master Level Coach Training Hours requirement. You will have also attained a total of 18.25 mentor coaching hours surpassing the ICF’s 10-hr coach mentor hours requirement.

    • Please see the ICCP Outline for more details.


    First, from a pure design perspective, our ICCP allows you to take one evolutionary step at a time based on what is best for you, your practice, your work, your life.  It has been our experience that the most effective teaching approach for such subtle and powerful training is on a step by step basis, with distinct phases, and natural embodiment building blocks, made accessible to you in three elegant phases of training.

    Second, this modular training approach allows you to 'chunk' your training into more manageable pieces than one large program. This is relevant from a time perspective, but also includes your ability to plan financially for this investment.

    Third, the three modules align directly with the Coach Training Hours required for ICF's ACC, PCC, and MCC requirements.

    And, there's always that Trinity thing...


    The Integral Coaching® Fundamentals course is a stand-alone three day course and is not a part of our ICCP.

    This course introduces participants to the Integral Coaching® method and its associated skills in a way that is immediately applicable in their day-to-day world, and students readily learn when coaching is appropriate and when it is not

    New coaches, experienced coaches, and graduates have found value in this three-day course that brings people back to the basics of this method.

    The focus of our training is the development of your skills and capacities as an Integral Coach™. However, during the ICCP-3 Master Certification Module there is a thread throughout the seven months called “MY PROJECT” that supports you developing your voice as a coach, expressing the deeper currents of your sense of purpose and supports you in taking concrete actions around how you want take this work out into the world once you are certified as an Integral Master Coach™. Coaches also connect with each other while in our Modules regarding the business interests that they share. Our graduates also connect with each other after graduation regarding common interests.

    YES! Upon successful completion of ICCP-1 ACM you will be certified by Integral Coaching Canada Inc. as an Integral Associate Coach™, you will receive a credential badge and you will be able to coach clients at the Associate level. Most coaches do move on to the next levels of our training, but some people find that they can effectively work with two Integral lenses and our method, especially inside organizations with ACM level accreditation.


    The International Coach Federation (ICF) is the coach accreditation body that has established itself as a global presence maintaining common standards across a largely unregulated industry. It provides a forum for coaches to connect regardless of the school where their training was conducted. The ICF accredits Coach Training Programs as well as individual coaches.

    Laura Divine and Joanne Hunt are both personally accredited as Master Certified Coaches (MCC) with the International Coach Federation. This is the highest level of certification attainable.

    Our company's Integral Coaching® Certification Program (ICCP) is also accredited by the International Coach Federation as a Level 2 Accredited Coaching Training Program with 200+ hours of training, which exceeds the ICF's Master Level Coach Training Hours requirement.


    Our Integral Coaching® Certification Program (ICCP-1 + ICCP-2 + ICCP-3) is accredited by the International Coach Federation as a Level 2 Accredited Coaching Training Program with 202 hours of training, which exceeds the ICF's Masters Level Coach Training Hours requirement.

    Upon successful completion of ICCP-1 ACM, you have partially completed our 3-Module ICF Accredited Certification Program. If you wish to apply for an ICF credential, you can use the 60 coach training hours from this module as ICF-approved coach specific training hours. You will also have obtained 5.75 of the ICF’s 10-hr mentor coach requirement.

    Similarly, if you wish to apply for an ICF credential after completing ICCP-2 PCM, you can use the 125 coach training hours combined from your ICCP-1 and ICCP-2 as ICF-approved coach specific training hours. You will also have completed 11.75 coach mentor hours and thereby surpassing the ICF’s 10-hr coach mentor requirement.

    As a Level 2 ICF-accredited program, upon completion of all three ICCP Modules, you will have fulfilled the following three ICF Application Requirements:

    1. Coach specific training hours requirement (the ICF requires 60 coach training for ACC applications, 125 hours for PCC applications and 200 hours for MCC applications)

    2. The Coach Mentoring 10-hour requirement for ACC or PCC applications

    3. The ICF Performance Exam requirement for ACC or PCC applications

     For other ICF application requirements please check the ICF Website.


    Our Integral Coaching® Certification Program (all three Modules) is a Level 2 ICF Accredited Coaching Training Program.

    Our contribution to the possibility of you becoming individually accredited by the ICF is through the Coach Training Hours component. If you wish to become a certified coach with the ICF, there are multiple components that you need to address including the following:

    • A specified number of Coach Training Hours to become a coach (provided by your ICC training for all three relevant levels for ICF!)

    • A specified number of Client Coaching Hours with your paying clients

    • A specified number of Mentoring or Coaching Hours received

    • Other specifications that change over time. Please check the ICF website for the most current individual accreditation requirements.

    Depending on what type of ICF certification you are pursuing (ACC - Associate Certified Coach, PCC - Professional Certified Coach, or MCC - Master Certified Coach), the Coach Training Hours required in each category above shift to support that level of designation. Our ICCP meets or exceeds all of the ICF Coach Training Hours requirements at all three levels. ICC graduates seeking ICF certification are well able to meet the Training Hours requirement due to the specific design of our accredited training program.

    The more time consuming ICF component for coaches tends to be accruing the minimum number of Client Coaching Hours that you need for each level. Our programs do provide coaching hours given that you work with live clients over all three modules, however, you will need to refer to ICF for the current coaching hours requirement for the level of certification that is of interest to you.

    ICC's contribution to any journey you choose to engage in regarding possible accreditation with ICF is your Coach Training Hours. Our ICCP, as an Accredited Coaching Training Program with ICF, once you complete all three modules meets ICF's Master Level Coach Training Hour requirement with 200+ direct coach training hours. We are the only Integral Coaching® training program that meets this level through our accredited training program. We travel with you through all three levels of your development: Associate, Professional, and Master.


    The Course Instructors teach the group sessions and are involved throughout the duration of the program. The Course Instructors have overall responsibility for the standards and outcomes of each module comprising the ICCP. Our Instructors also engage with students in conference calls through the term of each module.

    For all three ICCP Modules there are a designated number of faculty members who serve as Phone Coaches and as Assessors for various aspects of the program, supporting students in casework improvement, coaching conversation advancements, etc. Our Phone Coaches work with students one-on-one and sometimes with small groups during the distance learning components of each module. To learn more about our teaching team, please see the Faculty section of our web site.

    In addition, in ICCP-3, there are qualified Mentors who provide small study groups with coaching and mentoring support on a regular basis. And, as part of ICCP-2 and ICCP-3, there is an on-going process of providing students with skilful feedback on the performance of their coaching conversations calling upon the Faculty and the Mentors to provide this skilful feedback during group sessions and in-between sessions through recorded student client work that is submitted for developmental feedback.

    We have an amazing team of people who are all contributing towards your development as an Integral Coach™ and dedicated to your success!


    All days are very different and each day is designed to build upon the previous day as well as be a platform for the next. There are the specifics of the day as well as the overall container of the course that is designed to enable students to steep in what they are learning and developing.

    There are usually 3 - 4 key areas of focus in a day. Some days have heavy cognitive learning of new coaching material; some days have lots of coaching practice time; some days have profound heart opening exercises. We engage in exercises to develop specific coaching core competencies and we do body work or sit in silence. We also explore various coaching topics and how to work with clients in these realms. Usually there is time at lunch for a walk, quiet time, and reflection. There is homework each evening when students engage in exercises that call for their unique and individual thinking, as well as reflection on the day in order to further integrate learning.

    There is a focus on Heart, Mind, Body, Spirit, Relationships, and Moral Action throughout the days; we will roam the Quadrants and engage all of the other AQAL Lenses in our course designs both implicitly and explicitly. There is attention to the progressive development of core competencies. There is time spent learning about perspectives and the role they have in coaching through group discussions, poetry, music, practicing coaching, personal reflections and small group work. There is time spent exploring the roles and responsibilities of an Integral Coach™ at all three levels of certification, and what is called for practically and ethically.

    We do ask for people to clear the decks before they join the session; our group session intensives are demanding. As a society, we seem to always be multi-tasking, squeezing in one more email or one more call on our smartphones. We do ask people to give themselves a break from this for a few days so they can actually be in the session together, and with us, and with this powerful adult development program.


    Our classes usually have approximately 15 - 20 students. We find that if classes get larger than that, people do not get the attention and development that is warranted. But we have also run classes with 24 students and a few classes with 12 students and they have been fantastic.


    While the Integral Coaching® Certification Program (ICCP) is demanding and intense, the time requirements and course designs call for PART-TIME engagement. While there is the odd student who manages to take this program at a time in their life when they are "in-between" full-time jobs, nearly everyone in the program is working full-time while pursuing accreditation.

    Apart from the schedule dates for the group sessions, group video calls for distance learning components, and the due dates of course assignments, the scheduling and timing to complete the other course elements are worked into each student's work and home life, on their own. Therefore, with good planning, prioritizing and organizing, all three of the modules within the ICCP can be taken while engaged in a full-time job.


    Our programs offer a high degree of learning opportunities, and are intense. We are truly interested in building your skills so this means practice time and interaction with faculty and classmates over the term of the module to enable embodiment. Otherwise, theoretical learning would be all that you would get; it would not be embodied. Often we can think we have learned something before we ever put it into practice. We provide you with many different ways of practicing so that you emerge able to function effectively as coaches.

    We have drawn up a summary below that outlines the general range of time required per week.  This range is based upon two things.  One is our sense of how much time each component should take.  The other is that the work requirements each will vary, depending upon which key components occur that week.  And, of course, this is a general estimate, as it can be vastly different from student to student. Each student commits different hours to our programs depending on their level of engagement, their style of learning, etc.

    ICCP-1 Associate Certification Module consists of a 5-day group session intensive followed by a distance learning and apprenticing process completed over five months.

    Group Session Intensive:
    Distance Learning:

    5 days (at the beginning)
    3 - 8 hours per week (varies)


    Description of Distance Learning & Apprenticing Components:

    • Coach 2 clients over a 4.5-month period, meeting every 2 – 3 weeks 
    • Complete pre- and post-client meeting assignments that are submitted to your Phone Coach  
    • Participate in a set of just-in-time learning Group Video Calls with your Instructor and classmates
    • Participate in a set of one-on-one calls with your Phone Coach who helps you with your client work
    • Email (and online) connections with your class
    • Complete all facets of the Apprenticing assignment with your 2 clients
    • Read assigned articles on Integral Coaching®

    Our programs offer a high degree of learning opportunities, and are intense. We are truly interested in building your skills so this means practice time and interaction with faculty and classmates over the term of the module to enable embodiment. Otherwise, theoretical learning would be all that you would get; it would not be embodied. Often we can think we have learned something before we ever put it into practice. We provide you with many different ways of practicing so that you emerge able to function effectively as coaches.

    We have drawn up a summary below that outlines the general range of time required per week.  This range is based upon two things.  One is our sense of how much time each component should take.  The other is that the work requirements each will vary, depending upon which key components occur that week.  And, of course, this is a general estimate, as it can be vastly different from student to student. Each student commits different hours to our programs depending on their level of engagement, their style of learning, etc.

    ICCP-2 Professional Certification Module consists of a 5-day group session intensive followed by six months of just-in-time distance learning, client practicum, assignments, and development components.

    Group Session Intensive:
    Distance Learning:

    5 days (at the beginning)
    4 - 9 hours per week (varies)


    Description of Distance Learning & Client Practicum Components:

    • Coach 2 clients over a 5.5-month period, meeting every 2 weeks. 
    • Participate in a set of just-in-time learning Group Video Calls with your Instructor and Classmates
    • Participate in a set of calls with your Phone Coach who assesses and gives constructive feedback on your work as well as coaches you on your developmental coaching topic
    • Participate in a set of calls (and online interaction) with your learning team
    • Submit recorded coaching conversations and receive written feedback
    • Submit a set of assignments related to learning facets of the coaching method, including a final submission of Client Practicum work
    • Engage in Integral Practices specifically designed for your unique development plan
    • Read assigned books

    Our programs offer a high degree of learning opportunities, and are intense. We are truly interested in building your skills so this means practice time and interaction with faculty and classmates over the term of the module to enable embodiment. Otherwise, theoretical learning would be all that you would get; it would not be embodied. Often we can think we have learned something before we ever put it into practice. We provide you with many different ways of practicing so that you emerge able to function effectively as coaches.

    We have drawn up a summary below that outlines the general range of time required per week.  This range is based upon two things.  One is our sense of how much time each component should take.  The other is that the work requirements each will vary, depending upon which key components occur that week.  And, of course, this is a general estimate, as it can be vastly different from student to student. Each student commits different hours to our programs depending on their level of engagement, their style of learning, etc.

    ICCP-3 Master Certification Module consists of a 5-day group session intensive at the beginning of the 7 months and a 4-day group session intensive at the end, with distance learning, client casework, assignments and development components in-between.

    Group Session Intensive: 

    Distance Learning:

    Group Session Intensive:

       5 days (at the beginning)

       5 - 10 hours per week (varies)              

       4 days (at the end)


    Description of Distance Learning & Client Casework Components:

    • Coach 2 clients over a 7-month period, meeting every 2 weeks. 
    • Participate in a set of calls with your Phone Coach who assesses and gives constructive feedback on your work as well as coaches you on your developmental coaching topic
    • Participate in a set of concalls with your Study Group and ICC Mentor
    • Submit recorded coaching conversations and receive written feedback
    • Submit a set of assignments related to learning facets of the coaching method, including a final submission of Client Casework
    • Engage in Integral Practices specifically designed for your unique development plan
    • Read assigned books

    Yes, over the course of the modules, your coaching conversations with your clients can take place via Skype.  However, we strongly encourage you to have your first 2-3 coaching conversation in-person if you can as this allows you to more easily develop "self as instrument" in ways that will support you over time. Also when you’re just learning this method of coaching, you want to have access to all the possible information you can gather from your client. So, live, face-to-face coaching can have an impact on the rate that you pick up this method.


    Our most significant commitment in our training programs is that participants are left able to coach others with skilful means at our three levels of accreditation: Associate, Professional, and Master. We are extremely interested in EMBODIED knowledge, skills, and capacities. Therefore, every facet of our training architecture and course materials are designed with this in mind. We have taught hundreds of coach training programs and, without exception, we are always adjusting the design to meet the unique needs of the students in the program (i.e. you do not get the same cookie cutter approach each time, regardless of who is in the classroom).

    This dedication to meeting participants exactly where they are requires a lot of work on our part but we have found that our teaching method enables embodiment and skill beyond what is normally experienced in other coach training programs.

    At a high level of description, we tend to introduce new material, ask you to try it out (learn by doing), provide tools to assess your performance and then answer your questions based on what you learned in trying it. We find this a very practical way to learn and integrate rather than introducing new material, analyzing it or answering a lot of theoretical questions and then somehow thinking it has now been learned! Real practice leads to different and very practical questions which lead to more applied learning. Our distance learning components also stress just-in-time teaching so that you learn new material when you most need it and can apply it.

    We strive to ensure that there is a balance between the subjective and the objective, presence and perspective, cognition and heart. We provide knowledge and insight through conversation and through supporting written material. You have your felt sense/experience of how a coaching conversation went and then there is assessing the conversation based upon specific standards and criteria. We ask you to develop the strength of your own perspective while also developing the ability to see from the second person and third person perspectives.

    More specifically, our courses are designed following the same theoretical principles that are the bedrock of our Integral Coaching® approach. One of these is Kegan's subject/object theory. Briefly described, fundamental to any growth in human development is a person's ability to become conscious of and be able to see the constructs and contours of their current world view. This increasingly objective awareness enables a person to shift the way that they relate to this current world view and be open to a world view that is wider and has more potential.

    Of course, New Seeing is only the first step. Development of key competencies needed to function effectively in that new world view enables a person to transcend and include their world view in a newer, wider set of capabilities that have more potential, perspectives, and possibilities. As coaches go through our training, they are provided numerous ways in which to learn about their current world view, or "Current Way of Being" as a coach along with their current performance levels of the core coaching competencies. And they are supported in building embodied "New Ways of Being" as a coach, and in the rest of their life. Not only is the student provided feedback, but they are also provided specific practices that support their unique developmental needs in becoming an Integral Coach™.

    Another core principle of our Integral Coaching® approach is Ken Wilber's Integral or AQAL approach to change and development. Inclusive in this method is learning multiple models or lenses that are considered essential to an Integral (AQAL) approach. Not only do the students learn about this in the context of becoming an Integral Coach™, but also the courses are designed using these lenses. For example, one of the models is the Quadrant Lens which has to do with four perspectives of reality: First person perspective (I), second person perspective (We) and third person perspective (It and Its). The course design ensures that there are segments of the training that focus on and cultivate the capabilities unique to each of these perspectives. Another model or lens is the Lines of Development Lens which looks at the development of competencies in six key areas or lines: Cognitive, Emotional, Somatic, Interpersonal, Spiritual, and Moral. Again, the classes are designed to not only teach students about these lines and how to attend to their development when designing Coaching Programs, but there are segments in the courses that directly develop the student's levels of competency in each of these lines of development.

    Additionally, the core coaching competencies specified by the International Coach Federation are essential to being able to carry out this coaching method. Every exercise, every assignment, every piece of course material is designed with the intention of developing these core competencies. Students are provided with written material to support their understanding of the competencies as well as assessment tools and feedback that support them continually advancing their skills.

    We also strive to model what we teach not just in how we demonstrate coaching conversations and coach students one-on-one but also in how we are with participants throughout the day, in the group session, and in all our interactions. We continue to adjust our teaching scale to ensure that people are provided with challenges but not steps that are too large to comprehend or assimilate. We have been teaching and enabling others' development for decades. We are deeply committed to each participant's development and that is felt by all of our students in profound ways. We do not ask you to do what we ourselves have not done. Our teaching approach is gentle and yet, direct, customized yet holding standards. It is truly "Integral."

    Finally we have a lot of fun in the group session and through our interactive distance learning group video calls! Humour and play is another way of being open to and enjoying learning and development. You get to know us as well (we don't stay far away or untouchable as faculty) and we share a lot of stories that are useful for getting to know models and assessment through our own experiences and struggles as coaches, teachers, and as human beings interested in our own messy development. Please see our graduate videos in the Watch section of our web site to hear some of the perspectives of our coaches.


    Our view is that each school needs to speak to their own style and we can only speak to ours. Our teaching style is playful, serious, practical, spiritual, loving, evolutionary, and grounded in strong Integral theoretical foundations. We enjoy getting to know our students and enabling the EMBODIED integration of new learning and development. Coming from an Integral view, we meet each student where they are and work with them along their unique path towards achieving the objectives and standards of our programs. We are very direct, yet not harmful. We are flexible, yet rigorous. We challenge each student to go beyond what they currently know and see, yet we hold each person with compassion and care. We are professional and yet, very human. We actively practice what we teach so that there is a true understanding of what we are asking students to learn and develop. We stay in touch with our students over time supporting the coaching community in many different ways.

    We are also very proud to say that our Integral Coaching® Certification Program was reviewed by the Integral Institute and assessed to be fully Integral (AQAL) in the design, content and coaching method. We are the only Integral Coaching® training school that has received this extraordinary and high level endorsement from the Integral Institute. We also have a highly interactive distance learning component in all three modules of the ICCP that adhere to the same powerful teaching style as in our classrooms.


    Chances are that if you could have achieved the results that you wanted on your own, you would have done it by now. Usually there are two routes that people take when they want to develop a new capability, shift directions, or accomplish something that matters to them. These are:

    1. Sign up for a weekend course like Interpersonal Skills 101 or Breakthrough Communication Strategies and hope to learn enough to bring about lasting change. It is the proverbial, "Now that I know this, things are going to be different." And often, things are…for a while. And then we revert back to our old ways of being and doing and the change doesn't last. New insights alone do not necessarily lead to integrated change.
    2. Get REALLY motivated and develop a great, well thought out action plan and then put it in to effect. Again, this produces short-term efforts and results. Slowly though we find ourselves slipping back into an old way of being; we get tired, feel less motivated and before we know it, we're back where we started. We can also become very harsh judges of ourselves for ending up stuck again or wondering if maybe we just weren't committed enough.

    Our view is that you are committed enough; you just don't have the new "muscles" built to live in the way that is required to support the change that you so long for. Using Integral Coaching® as an approach to change enables sustainable results, and working one-on-one with someone focuses directly on your muscles (not a classroom of muscles), your unique forms of resistance and your particular way of supporting change in your life.


    Here are some of the words of clients who we have coached:

    From Individuals Clients:

    "The insight that I gained in my personal and professional development were profound. The new competencies and approaches I developed not only applied in my new assignment but continue to serve me well today in both my role as Assistant Deputy Minister and as an individual in both my professional and personal domains."

    "In a gentle way, she pushed me to be the very best I could be. She understood how I worked, how I problem-solved and worked with me to find approaches that would be meaningful and lasting. As a result of working with her, I have achieved excellent results in my work life. I am a better ADM because of our work together. But the benefits extend also to my personal life, giving me tools and approaches for dealing with stress, conflict and many different challenges."

    "After about 20 minutes of explanation on my part, she was able to seize and to articulate what I was interested in learning and developing which captured exactly what I meant but didn't have words for. I felt immediately confident and in the hands of a professional."

    "The role of an executive is varied and one of the roles we often play is that of coach for our employees. Her entire approach to coaching and to me as her client has served as a role model for me in how to be in conversation and in relationship with others. Based on further studies I have undertaken in the coaching domain, I believe that she also serves as a model of excellence for the coaching profession."

    From Professional Coach Clients:

    "She quickly got how I operate in the world both in how it served me and how it was holding me back. She brought deep insight to my coaching issue that was more than just a quick fix. I learned how to recognize the patterns of operating that get in my way. She taught me things I could do to support a better way of living. As a result, I not only resolved my issue, I am able to recognize old patterns and apply the practices that I learned on my own."

    "She quickly grasped my strengths and development needs, supported me in identifying my strengths (valuing and honouring them) and reached beyond my comfort zone. She challenged me to look at and learn from the parts of me that I was afraid of. Her wisdom and guidance helped me strengthen my coaching competence. I am better able to assess my clients, speak to my clients more powerfully about how coaching will support them and design long-term programs that support my clients' learning and development."

    "As a coach with a successful practice, I remain interested in continuing to develop my expertise. Laura artfully introduced me to theory, practice and a process that I was able to integrate into my own client work. As a result, I am working more effectively and more deeply with my most challenging clients. I am better able to connect to what matters most to my clients and to create a development path for them that get them out of their stories and back into their lives."

    Besides the words from some of our one-on-one clients provided above, we have also assembled a videos in the Watch section of this web site where you can listen to some of the words of coaches who have graduated from our various Integral Coaching® training programs.


    Along with achieving the specific objectives that clients bring forward with their coaching topics, they also develop:

    1. Increased awareness of the impact of their personal patterns on their ability to bring about meaningful and lasting change in their work and lives and a marked increase in effectiveness in working with their long-standing patterns.
    2. Direct discernment regarding the relationship between their intentions, actions and obtained results enabling them to shift quickly when they fall into old ways of being.
    3. The ability to cultivate and maintain useful Integral practices that enable continued growth and sustained change well beyond the scope and length of the coaching contract.
    4. Greater health and well-being in their current way of being while supporting continued growth in areas that deeply matter to them (going beyond their current way of being into new realms).

    AQAL LENSES:  We use the entire spectrum of models based on Ken Wilber's Integral Theory. In order for any approach to be considered truly Integral, all AQAL "lenses" must be employed and interpreted accurately. AQAL is the short form for All Quadrants, All Levels, All Lines, All Types, All States. The coaches who are certified to practice Integral Coaching® through our school use all five "lenses" that we have specifically modified to build effective maps for coaches in our school.

    We use these tools as lenses through which to gain understanding into a client's way of moving through the world and their coaching topic. The lenses that our coaches use are:

    1. Four Quadrants Lens (Orienting Structure, Competencies)
    2. Embodied Levels of Consciousness Lens
    3. Lines of Development Lens
    4. Type Structure Lens (Enneagram)
    5. States of Consciousness Lens

    Although these lenses tend to remain invisible to the client, they provide powerful information to the coach, enabling them to quickly and effectively work with a client in any domain or topic area. We also are the only school to have been found AQAL compliant by the Integral Institute.

    POWERFUL METAPHOR TOOLS:  We also use metaphors to symbolically depict a client's Current Way of seeing and approaching their coaching topic as well as illuminating a New Way that the client could approach the topic that would be more effective and liberating.

    COACHING CONVERSATION TOOLS:  We have detailed guidelines for each type of coaching conversation and associated self-assessment materials so that a coach can know how they are doing in the "form" of Integral Coaching® including both ICC's and the ICF's standards.

    PRACTICE BUILDING TOOLS: In addition to having tools to become powerfully attuned to a client's world and discerning developmental needs, we also provide tools in building customized practices for clients to engage in over time. "Building muscles" in clients is a core competency in all of our coaches and we provide frameworks for capacity building over time.


    A $750 non-refundable deposit is required to reserve a seat in a Module.


    1.     The Registration Deposit is Non-Refundable.

    2.     For any cancellation made 30 days or more prior to the course start date, two options are available:

    • A refund will be issued for any payments made, minus the Non-Refundable Deposit Fee, OR
    • The participant may transfer to the next offering of this course with no financial penalty. Transfers may be permitted only once.

    3.     For a cancellation made less than 30 days to the course start date, no refund will be issued and 100% of the course tuition plus taxes, minus any payments already made, will become immediately due and payable. I understand as a participant that no refunds are provided within 30 days of the program course start date.

    4.   Any outstanding payment are due upon completion of the course. ICC reserves the right to withhold a certificate of completion, pending the full amount being paid.


    We do not offer any scholarships, however we do offer extended payment plans.

    ICCP-1: Pay balance in monthly instalments (plus a $100 extended payment charge) for five (5) consecutive months beginning the first day, first month of Module.

    ICCP-2: Pay balance in monthly instalments (plus a $100 extended payment charge) for six (6) consecutive months beginning the first day, first month of Module.

    ICCP-3: Pay balance in monthly instalments (plus a $100 extended payment charge) for seven (7) consecutive months beginning the first day, first month of Module.


    While we have a conference call provider with hundreds of local dial-in numbers across North America and the UK, long distance charges may apply (depending on your long distance calling plan) for the learning conference calls if you are not located in one of these local calling areas.  Even though we strongly encourage you to call into the conference calls via a landline, as long as you have a stable Internet connection, you can opt to participate in the learning conference call through Zoom, free of charge. You know the stability of your own specific broadband connection, therefore are the best judge of the quality call you would get using Zoom.


    Our courses are offered in English. We do have French speaking Phone Coaches and Observers who, during the distance learning components, can provide support in French depending on availability. Please contact us at info@integralcoachingcanada.com for additional information. We also provide a Lexicon of Integral Coaching® key terms used in our Modules in the following languages: French, German and Portuguese.


    All ICC teachers are powerfully EMBODIED Integral Master Coaches™ and have been personally selected by ICC Co-Founders, Laura Divine and Joanne Hunt. In order to teach our modules, each faculty member has undergone and successfully completed extensive training. While each teacher has their own style, all our teachers are playful, serious, practical, spiritual, loving, evolutionary, and grounded in strong Integral theoretical foundations. The teachings and method of teaching are the same across all teachers.


    Our Integral Coaching® approach is substantially rooted in Integral Theory as well as some other sources and so there may be some synergies between what you have been learning and our Integral Coaching® method. At the same time, the core of our method is like no other coaching method, and this you would also learn in ICCP-1 Associate Certification Module (ACM). Taking our training includes a translation of these roots into the application of coaching. And so, as part of the training, you actually need to learn and embody the translation. Completing ACM will give you the foundation of and the choreography for this comprehensive method that you then practice throughout ACM and then further fill, deepen and embody in Modules 2 and 3. As such, there is no real way to bi-pass the first module.

    What we’ve found is that you will be able to draw upon what you know as you learn a whole new form, and translation of all of this into service that is on behalf of the alleviation of suffering.


    Upon completion of the group session, you will work with two volunteer clients over the distance learning period to further apply what you learned in the 5-day group session in true a Apprenticing fashion. During this time you will have a combination of group video calls with the Module Instructor, and calls with your classmates that will meet you where you are at with your client work, as well as one-on-one calls with an ICC Integral Master Coach™ who is your “Phone Coach” and will assess, review, and advance your client work and support your development as a coach. There is also a private Facebook page set up for your class in which you both communicate with each other informally as well as share formal learnings.

    In ICCP-2 (PCM) and ICCP-3 (MCM) you will also submit coaching session recordings and receive valuable written feedback to support your development as a coach. Also, in ICCP-3 (MCM), there is an additional component of working with a Study Group and on a project that supports you in how you take coaching out into the world in ways that matter to you.