Then and Now Part II: Journeys Beyond ACM
Featuring Susan Loree in Our Graduates
We previously shared a 2019 conversation between ICC Lead Teacher Susan Loree and a group of recent ACM grads. Now, four years later, all five of these wonderful souls have continued their ICC training and deepened their skill and embodiment as coaches.
We are thrilled to share the joyous reunion between Susan and our fab five coaches who eloquently speak into the factors that have shaped their unique journeys as coaches in training and what they gained, developed, and embodied throughout the process. (1:54:10)
Then and Now Part I: Journeys Through ACM
Featuring Susan Loree in Our Graduates
Our coach training program can illicit such profound change and development that each student’s journey through the three modules of our Integral Coaching® Certification Program (ICCP) has its own unique flow and pacing.
ICC Lead Teacher Susan Loree recently had the pleasure of reconnecting with a group of five ICC students and grads for a recorded conversation. What made this meeting and conversation so joyous and special was that Susan first interviewed this same group of five in the spring of 2019 just after they had all finished ACM, the first module of our coach training program. (1:03:08)
Shift Your Energy – Shift Your Results
Featuring Laura Divine in Our ICC Team
ICC Co-Founder, Laura Divine, shows us how being able to shift our day to day energetic experience beyond the range of our comfort zone can help us make meaningful changes in our lives with less effort and greater results. (10:58)
How Did You Grow Through Your ICC Training?
Featuring Jody Jones in Our Graduates
Becoming certified as an Integral Coach™ involves more than just learning how to help other people grow and develop. A crucial part of learning how to skillfully guide others through the Integral Coaching® change process is to experience your own growth, change, resistance, and development in areas that are meaningful to you. (2:21)
Why Willpower Isn't Enough
Featuring Susan Loree in Our ICC Team
So much of how we talk about around change centers around willpower, and the idea that changes happens once we want something badly enough to push and make that change happen. This is only partially true, at best. In this brief clip from a 2016 interview, ICC Teacher and Integral Master Coach™ Susan Loree challenges this partial understanding of change and highlights the importance of building new skills and capacities as part of a change process, so that new moves and new ways of approaching the same situations become possible for us. (1:53)
Building New Capacities
Featuring Chris Alder in Our ICC Team
Change can be a challenge, especially in an area that feels particularly uncomfortable and emotionally charged. But there’s hope. In this brief clip, ICC Teacher and Integral Master Coach™ Chris Alder gives some simple, powerful advice on how to develop in uncomfortable areas and situations outside of the “danger zone.” (1:00)
Live Call with Laura Divine and ICC Teachers
Featuring Laura Divine in Our ICC Team
In this video, Integral Coaching Canada co-founder Laura Divine and teachers Chris Alder, Steve Beckett, and Susan Loree share how students learn the elegant rigour and power of the Integral Coaching® method. (48:31)
Integral Master Coach™ Interviews - Part 2
Featuring Susan Loree, Jill Chitra, Priya Ahuja in Our Graduates
Integral Coaching Canada’s robust coaching methodology equips our graduates to more deeply understand and appreciate human development both in their coaching work and in their careers and personal lives. Hear what careers and lives enriched through the completion of ICC’s Certification Program can look like from ICC Director of Faculty Development Susan Loree and ICC graduates and Integral Master Coaches™ Jill Chitra and Priya Ahuja. (3:23)
Integral Master Coach™ Interviews - Part 1
Featuring Márcia Keiko-Kodama, Jody Jones, Caroline Vandenberg in Our Graduates
Integral Coaching Canada doesn’t just teach you how to be a skillful coach, our students experience profound inner change too! We asked ICC faculty members Marcia Kodama and Jody Jones what this change has looked like in their students, and ICC graduate and Integral Master Coach™ Carolin Vandenberg what this change has meant for her personally. (4:51)
Graduate Testimonial:
Neville Ann Kelly
Featuring Neville Ann Kelly in Our Graduates
Neville Ann Kelly is an Integral Master Coach™ who uses the ICC Method in her work as a professional spiritual director and scholar-practitioner. She shares how ICC gave her a powerful framework to support her and her clients in grounded, practical explorations of the numinous and the spiritual. (5:50)
Graduate Testimonial:
Miriam Binder-Lang
Featuring Miriam Binder-Lang in Our Graduates
Miriam Binder-Lang is a full-time coaching consultant and mother of three young children. Miriam shares how, after working as an executive in the aerospace industry, her training as an Integral Coach™ began a deep transformation in her career and brought more ease to her family life. (3:52)
Graduate Testimonial:
Judy York
Featuring Judy York in Our Graduates
Judy York was already an executive coach when she was drawn to ICC as a place to learn how to invite her whole body and intuition into her coaching to increase her impact and presence with her clients. Learn how Judy's ICC training has helped her shift her definition of success toward the transformational impact she has on her clients, herself, and her community. (5:08)
Graduate Testimonial:
Dina Bell-Laroche
Featuring Dina Bell-Laroche in Our Graduates
Dina Bell-Laroche, partner with the Sport Law & Strategy Group, kindly shares how she was drawn to the rigour and attention to detail of the ICC Method and how it has helped her in her work with sport leaders and the Canadian Olympic Committee. (4:40)
Graduate Testimonial:
Daniel Lesage
Featuring Daniel Lesage in Our Graduates
Daniel Lesage, a full-time coach from Saguenay, Quebec, was looking to transition from HR roles into human development when a colleague told him about ICC. Daniel shares how impressed he was that students from as far as Australia would fly to Ottawa for ICC's training, and how pivotal the training was for him to be able to establish himself as a full-time coach. (3:42)
Graduate Testimonial:
Beatriz Signorelli
Featuring Beatriz Signorelli in Our Graduates
Beatriz Signorelli, a talented young coach from Brazil, shares how the appeal of embodiment and bringing the body into coaching first drew her to ICC, and how her training as an Integral Master Coach™ has helped her in her coaching, in the conversation circles she leads, and in the retreats that she facilitates. (5:05)
Why New Capabilities Are Required to Sustain Change
Featuring Laura Divine in Our ICC Team
Why aren’t insights, good advice and the use of current capabilities enough for someone to sustain a desired change? How does the developmental coaching approach of Integral Coaching Canada address this challenge with an alternative to trying to “do the change”? ICC Co-Founder Laura Divine provides insightful and practical clarity in her answer to these questions in this 6-minute video. (6:24)
What Does Embodiment Mean to Integral Coaching Canada?
Featuring Laura Divine in Our ICC Team
In this video, Integral Coaching Canada Co-Founder, Laura Divine, shares what embodiment means to ICC and why it is so important to our coaching method and to how we develop our Integral Coaches™. It is embodiment that enables learning, change, and development to last and to be widely, naturally applicable in a person’s life. Watch this 6-minute video to learn more about embodiment and how we hold it at ICC. (6:20)
The Power & Contribution of "Looking As"
Featuring Laura Divine in Our ICC Team
ICC Co-Founder, Laura Divine, describes “Looking As” as an Integral Coach’s™ capacity to see through the eyes of another person, and see how they see the world. “Looking As” is a fundamental skill in the ICC Coaching Methodology that is often overlooked in other coaching approaches and in disciplines outside of coaching. (13:46)
Let Go and Let In - The Path To Service
Featuring Laura Divine in Our ICC Team
ICC Co-Founder, Laura Divine, describes how being of service to someone is much more than simply bringing forward your knowledge, experience, and wisdom. It calls for letting go and letting in the person in front of you to discover what this unique person truly needs from you in this unique moment. Learn about how your deepest desire to contribute to another person’s well-being can truly be fulfilled in a way that works for both of you. (6:05)
How Conscious Completion Lightens Your Load
Featuring Laura Divine in Our ICC Team
ICC Co-Founder, Laura Divine, shares a simple practice of conscious completion that she learned during her time in a Zen monastery to help us gain some freedom and space from feelings of overwhelm. By shifting our attention to more consciously registering when we have completed something big, small or in-between, we can begin to feel less overwhelmed and burdened during busy periods of our lives. (15:08)
Graduate Testimonial:
Meg Salter
Featuring Meg Salter in Our Graduates
International Executive and Integral Coach™ (Feb 2010), Meg illuminates the application of Integral Coaching® in her International work with "tipping point" human ecologies deeply supported by ICC's methods. (5:25)
Graduate Testimonial:
Jill Malleck
Featuring Jill Malleck in Our Graduates
Corporate Consultant and Integral Coach™ (June 2008), Jill shares with us the impact ICC's work has on her and the leaders with whom she works. And, she had never heard of "Integral" before coming to study with us. (3:58)
Graduate Testimonial:
Reggie Marra
Featuring Reggie Marra in Our Graduates
Teacher, poet, and Integral Coach™ (Feb 2011), Reggie provides insight regarding the deep personal and professional impact that the "rigorous and loving container" of the Certification Module had in his life. (3:53)
Integral Coaching vs Traditional Coaching
Featuring Laura Divine and Joanne Hunt in Our ICC Team
Why aren’t insights, good advice and the use of current capabilities enough for someone to sustain a desired change? How does the developmental coaching approach of Integral Coaching Canada address this challenge with an alternative to trying to “do the change”? ICC Co-Founder Laura Divine provides insightful and practical clarity in her answer to these questions in this 6-minute video. (6:24)
The Art of Sustaining a Practice - Part B
Featuring Laura Divine in Our ICC Team
What is the impact of applying the Min-Max Principle in your practice over time? Watch this 11-min video where ICC Co-Founder, Laura Divine, shares unexpected and powerful impacts on her tai chi practice during challenging times. (10:56)
The Art of Sustaining a Practice - Part A
Featuring Laura Divine in Our ICC Team
Interested in learning a new way to think about your daily or ongoing practices that can help you sustain your New Year’s resolutions or goals in the year ahead? Watch this 8-min video where ICC Co-Founder, Laura Divine, describes the Min-Max Principle. (8:50)
Why New Capabilities Are Required to Sustain Change
Featuring Laura Divine in Our ICC Team
Why aren’t insights, good advice and the use of current capabilities enough for someone to sustain a desired change? How does the developmental coaching approach of Integral Coaching Canada address this challenge with an alternative to trying to “do the change”? ICC Co-Founder Laura Divine provides insightful and practical clarity in her answer to these questions in this 6-minute video. (6:24)