
Interviews & Talks



A New Decade - Start Slow

Featuring Joanne Hunt in Short Clips

To begin the new year and a new decade, ICC Co-Founder Joanne Hunt makes a gently radical proposal: slow down, save your new year’s resolutions until February. Hear more about the quieter place that can allow your true resolutions to emerge.



One Wild and Precious Life

Featuring Joanne Hunt in Short Clips

Recent personal milestones for ICC Co-Founder Joanne Hunt inspired a tender reflection on loss, and letting go, on tender endings and exciting beginnings.



Interrupting Reactivity

Featuring Micheline Green in Short Clips

In this short interview clip, ICC Observer Faculty Member and Integral Master Coach, Micheline Green, shares how we can gradually build our capacity to interrupt reactivity and bring more space to our dealings with others. (2:46)



"The Invitation"

Featuring Susan Loree in Short Clips

Hear ICC Teacher, Susan Loree, read “The Invitation” by Oriah Mountain Dreamer. Does this poem touch a desire to be of service to others? What about fear of what that could mean? Is this signalling that there is something that deserves exploring? (4:41)

We invite you to listen to ICC Teacher and Director of Faculty Development Susan Loree read “The Invitation” by Oriah Mountain Dreamer. It was read at the beginning of a session at a 5-day Conference & Retreat which focused on integrating and discerning what actions to take going forward beyond the Conference.



Your Inner Activist Meditation

Featuring Steve Beckett in Short Clips

In a recent panel on Integral Coaching® and social activism, ICC Senior Faculty Steve Beckett took participants through a guided meditation to connect with their Inner Activist. Key to making change is the capacity to acknowledge how things are now. (3:53)



Three Steps of Change

Featuring Steve Beckett in Short Clips

How can you get started making a contribution towards change in social justice? By getting started! Hear Integral Master Coaches Márcia Kodama, Ellen Sprenger, and Anne Wright give their answers in this audio clip from their panel at ICC's Conference & Retreat. (1:33)



Giving & Receiving Translations

Featuring Susan Loree in Short Clips

An oft-overlooked aspect of acting on behalf of your deep purpose is translation. In this short audio clip from her Lotus & Sword presentation at the June 2018 ICC Conference & Retreat, Direct of Faculty Development, Susan Loree, talks about the importance of translating what deeply matters to you so that it resonates with what moves and touches those with whom you are communicating. (1:33)



The Power of Unanswerable Questions

Featuring Steve Beckett in Short Clips

Integral Coaches are trained to ask powerful questions of our clients and of ourselves. In this brief interview clip, ICC Teacher and Integral Master Coach Steve Beckett shares the power of personally exploring questions so powerful that we don’t know how to answer them. Listen to Steve describe how, without being able to answer them, living these powerful questions can provide deep purpose and direction. (2:04)



Social Justice: Coaching on the Front Lines

Featuring Steve Beckett, Anne Wright, Márcia Keiko-Kodama and Ellen Sprenger in Short Clips

At the June 2018 ICC Conference & Retreat, ICC Senior Faculty member Steve Beckett led a panel of Integral Master Coaches, Márcia Kodama, Ellen Sprenger and Anne Wright, who support frontline social justice leaders and activists. During the panel discussion, ICC Co-Founder, Laura Divine, asked what each panel member would say to someone just starting to feel a call to be of service in this way. Here are the panelist's answers. (5:13)



Truth Speaking Softly

Featuring Joanne Hunt in Short Clips

Listen to ICC Co-Founder, Joanne Hunt’s, moving poem about the challenge and beauty of waking up to a new day and a deeper truth, and the silence and courage that can allow this process to unfold. (2:40)



Seven Weddings, Seven Funerals

Featuring Joanne Hunt in Short Clips

In this recording, Joanne Hunt shares a profound realization: "The body doesn't know the difference between seven weddings and seven funerals." Listen to learn more about what this means for how we approach our bodies and lifestyles. (6:06)



Breaking Structure

Featuring Joanne Hunt in Short Clips

Just when things are figured out, all hell breaks loose. We’ve all been there. ICC Co-Founder, Joanne Hunt, reminds us what can grow out of broken structures. Listen to Joanne's thoughts on how we can navigate when structure inevitably breaks (6:02)



Spirals of Development

Featuring Joanne Hunt in Short Clips

Life is not linear, and neither is development. ICC Co-Founder, Joanne Hunt, holds development as a spiral. This way of holding development allows us to work towards lasting change, while freeing us from pressure to make progress in ways that deeply matter to us over time. (9:40)



But You Also Eat Jello

Featuring Joanne Hunt in Short Clips

ICC Co-Founder, Joanne Hunt, reminds us we are never just one thing, and we are never just experiencing one thing either. Many of us feel tired and run-down, but what else can we feel at the same time as feeling tired? (5:22)



Meeting the Moment

Featuring Joanne Hunt in Short Clips

Sparked by the arrival of New Years 2019, ICC Co-Founder, Joanne Hunt, shares a gentle laugh at the action plans she used to write and encourages us to meet each moment as a way to respond to life with a kind heart. (4:26)



A New Way In

Featuring Joanne Hunt in Short Clips

How do you stay consistently engaged in a daily practice over time? ICC Co-Founder, Joanne Hunt, has been engaged in a long-term writing practice for over forty years and she has explored many ways to keep writing over these decades. Find out how paying attention to the moment when practice begins (or doesn’t), and coming up with a simple, easy "Way In" to your practice can help you stick with it. (9:01)



Hanging Out Your Shingle

Featuring Joanne Hunt in Short Clips

It is a vulnerable act to offer something to the world and it takes courage to offer coaching as a service. ICC Co-Founder, Joanne Hunt, shares her thoughts on exploring your own embodied entrepreneurship. (9:22)



Interview with Ken Wilber Part 4: The Many Flavors of Presence

Featuring Ken Wilber in Longer Talks

In the final installment of Joanne, Laura, and Ken's dialogue regarding ICC's unique Integral Coaching® work, they discuss the last two ‘lenses’ comprising the AQAL Constellation in the Integral Coaching® method: States of Consciousness and Type Structures (Enneagram and Gender). Their discussion includes not only understanding how these two lenses are used in supporting client development, but also how they help define practices engaged in by ICC's coaches themselves as a way to cultivate and deepen their own process of waking up and growing up. (16:30)



Interview with Ken Wilber Part 3: Multiple Intelligences of Clients

Featuring Ken Wilber in Longer Talks

In the third installation of the Integral Coaching® dialogue, Joanne Hunt, Laura Divine, and Ken Wilber discuss the many ways human beings grow and develop in their lives. There are many different aspects of human experience (often referred to as "multiple intelligences" or "lines of development") that all grow at different velocities through different levels of proficiency and sophistication. (39:36)

Without taking these different aspects of psychological maturity into account, many schools of coaching end up working with two-dimensional caricatures of their clients—unable to fully appreciate the knotted elegance of human potential, and therefore unable to locate the very real leverage points of growth and development. (39:36)



Interview with Ken Wilber Part 2: Communicating Across Unique Worlds

Featuring Ken Wilber in Longer Talks

Have you ever had a conversation with someone, but left feeling frustrated and unheard, as if the other person was in a completely different world? Well, there is a good chance that they were—at least in the ways they perceive and interpret what's important to them. In the second installment of this dialogue, Joanne Hunt and Laura Divine further explore the concept of Orienting Quadrants, noting the four very different approaches to reality that influence our relationship with the world, with each other, and with ourselves. (19:39)



Interview with Ken Wilber Part 1: Orientating Quadrants - Your Unique View

Featuring Ken Wilber in Longer Talks

In the first installation of this dialogue, Joanne Hunt, Laura Divine, and Ken Wilber discuss the advent of Integral Coaching®, whose services will be made available to the Integral community in the coming months. They share some of the unique contributions the Integral approach offers to coaches and clients alike, providing the most comprehensive map of growth and human development available today. (34:33)



The Future of Love: Love and Developmental Unfolding with Joanne Hunt and Diane Musho Hamilton

Featuring Joanne Hunt in Longer Talks

Joanne Hunt, an inspirational teacher and founder of Integral Coaching Canada, is deeply familiar with the role that Love has in our developmental unfolding. Whether it takes the form of simple self-acceptance, discerning our strengths from our weaknesses, or taking up the challenge to grow, love is present every step of the way in the process of personal and professional growth. (1:30:19)

In this dialogue with Diane Musho Hamilton, Joanne shares deep insights regarding the Integral Coaching® system that she and Laura Divine developed, which is uniquely designed to maximize the possibilities of loving action and manifestation in virtually every arena of living. Joanne will share both a brilliant application of the Integral map to real life and offer some great tips about how to make your life work better in concrete and substantial ways. Join the Co-Founder of Integral Coaching Canada in answering the question of how love has everything to do with our evolution and growth. And, therefore, has everything to do with coaching. (1:30:19)



Dynamics of Change: Interview with Joanne Hunt and Laura Divine

Featuring Joanne Hunt and Laura Divine in Longer Talks

In this interview conducted by Coaches Rising (Europe), Joanne Hunt and Laura Divine discuss the transformative power of working with a client’s Current Way of Being and the power of developing a New Way of Being. This includes the coach's ability to not just Look At a client objectively to help them build new competencies, but the intimate ability to Look As a client – seeing the world through the client's eyes, through the client's reality, through the client's ways of moving in the world. (1:21:04)



Sitting With Death

Featuring Joanne Hunt in Short Clips

Sitting meditation is a core practice for ICC students. This practice helps our coaches develop the quiet, receptive minds necessary to be with their own lives and those of their clients. In this short audio clip, ICC Co-Founder, Joanne Hunt, shares a moving story of the meaning and the gift of one student’s training as an Integral Master Coach that went far beyond learning how to be a good coach. (1:36)

In this short audio clip, ICC Co-Founder Joanne Hunt shares a moving story of the meaning and the gift of one student’s training as an Integral Master Coach that went far beyond learning how to be a good coach. (1:36)
